Tag Archive: Food

Role of carbohydrates and proteins in weight loss

Weight-loss dieters usually do not consume bread, rice, alcohol, etc. all of which are rich in carbohydrates. It’s a fact that some of the weight loss foods involve a large amount of meat, cheese, and butter in it. But these are present in certain limitations. Moreover Fresh fish two to…
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Few Ways to Cure and Prevent Male Yeast Infection

There is a misconception that yeast infection occurs only in women’s body. But this is totally wrong. Nobody should take this lightly and should take proper treatment of yeast infection because it may generate prostate problem or infection of chronic yeast. Emotional disturbance can also occur to anyone in the…
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Availing noni extract: A better way to be healthy

Noni fruit fusion has been considered to be a miracle product that has found itself in great use by the traditional physicians for more than 2000 years now. This plant is known to grow in pollution free environment, especially in volcanic soils. These plants are handpicked and collected in a…
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Helsebixen –The Shop of Health and Nutrition

Helsebixen is the shining name for one of the fastest growing health site and the largest shop in the promotion and the sale of health products and various health and nutritional food. It can easily boast of high rate of conversion with high average for sales. But the most important fact…
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Raspberry Ketones – A Good Aroma Enhancer

There are so many chemicals available presently in the markets as additives and diet supplement like food enhancers, color enhancers, taste enhancers, flavor enhancers, bulking agents, coagulants, gelling agents, preservatives, etc. Likewise to increase the nutrients of the particular food also certain chemical compounds are available readily. Out of those…
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Who Says Calories Are Bad?

Why do a lot of people seem to avoid high calorie foods? Calorie always gives a big buzz to our ears, how much more does high calorie? But contrary to what many people believe, calorie isn’t bad. It is a very essential nutrient that the body needs to sustain energy.…
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Perfect Remedies for Hot Flashes

Hot flash is a common condition which almost 8 in 10 women face in their lifetime. Most of them go for serious therapies like hormonal replacements, continuous medications etc. This is not actually required. Hot flash can also be managed efficiently without posing any health risk to the woman. Let…
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Fruit and Juices For Treating Hemorrhoids

For people who are looking for natural treatment for hemorrhoids, here are some fruits and juices that they can consider for relieving their hemorrhoids. What You Should Avoid Before going to the food and drinks that you need in order to relieve your hemorrhoids, let us first discuss the foods…
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Jamies 15 Minute Meals – a remarkable cookbook

Jamie Oliver, one of the popular chefs brings his new cuisine cookbook ‘Jamies 15 Minute Meals’! This is just after his remarkable work ’30-minute meals’ which is still on sale in the market and renowned as the most popular cookbook in Britain market all time! His 15-Minute meals book is…
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Vegetarian Diet – Leads to Longevity

Diet is the major thing in one’s life which leads to his long healthy life or a troublesome life with many disorders. So everyone should know the proper way of taking the food so that they lead a healthy life. A vegetarian diet is one which consists of purely fruits…
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