This method of lung cancer treatment is possible on individuals who are in the beginning stage. While surgical treatment helps in removal of specific cells, this kind of treatment is not recommended if cancer cells have spread to various parts of your body.
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Chemotherapy and radiation
In case if the infected cancer cells cannot be removed through surgical process, then chemo or radiation can help you in removal of cancer cells.
While another process is, after surgical removal you can also go ahead with using chemotherapy treatment. This helps in ensuring your cancer cells do not grow again and prevent cancer from returning.
For cancer cells that cannot be removed surgically, chemotherapy and radiation can be of help to you. Chemotherapy in combination with radiation technique will help in removing tumour cells. While this treatment technique can cause various side effects on your body and require immensely for patient to stay healthy and fit.
There are times when lung cancer cells can grow back even after effective radiation and chemotherapy treatment. This can be controlled to a great extent by proper medication for a period of time.
Targeted treatments for Cancer
Now this is the latest development that the medical foundation has put forward. Targeted treatment of tumour cells in your body is now available which can easily identify cancerous and non cancerous cells in your body.
This way you can first identify cells that need to be removed from your body and then go ahead with deciding the kind of treatment method that you require for tumour cells removal.
People in Malaysia who have advance lung cancer with molecular biomarkers can make use of targeted treatment technique. Targeted drug treatment with chemotherapy can help in removing infected cancerous cells and removing it from your body.
Yet another recent treatment technique that has evolved over the years is the immunotherapy technique of removing cancerous cells. Now this is not anything external, this treatment starts from your body inside by an individual staying physically healthy and fit.