E-cigarettes – Can we consider it totally safe?

The E-Cigarettes or Electronic Cigarettes are good alternative for those who are addicted for smoking. This is really a nice alternative that harms less than normal Cigarettes but it is not totally safe.


CIGARETTE (Photo credit: Fried Dough)

Some people considers it totally safe for their health but it is not true because the presence of nicotine is the reason of harmfulness and no Cigarette can be made without it. The E- Cigarettes will provide you little relief because it is less harmful but you should be aware of its health effects before you consider it for smoking alternative.

Benefits of E-Cigarettes

  • It is really very helpful for those who are trying to quit the normal smoking habits. It will harm less due to liquid nicotine and will help you to get rid of this habit.
  • It will make it easier for you to quit smoking after a certain period of time.
  • The nicotine intake amount becomes low with the help of E-Cigarettes and it is the best benefit that would be good for your health.
  • The smoking impact becomes low and usually people do not feel real smoking pleasure in it so that they quit it easily.
  • Helps in getting rid of smoking addictions.

Harms of E-Cigarettes

  • It is really very harmful for those who are thinking that this is not harmful and smokers are switching their habits. Just for fun and not for getting rid of addiction.
  • It is not a medicine, it is just a less harmful option to help you quit the smoking habit but the side effects remain same.
  • The costs of E-Cigarettes are higher than the expectations.
  • The effect of E-Cigarettes are not really very good because most of the smokers are using it for switching the smoking habit and there are probabilities that this will give really a great boost to its black market and it is harmful for commercial market.