For people who are looking for natural treatment for hemorrhoids, here are some fruits and juices that they can consider for relieving their hemorrhoids.
What You Should Avoid
Before going to the food and drinks that you need in order to relieve your hemorrhoids, let us first discuss the foods that you should eliminate from your diet.
Although chili peppers are good for blood circulation and treating ulcers, too much of it can cause a problem especially if your hemorrhoids is in the advanced stage already.
The following are foods that can lead to constipation and hence should be avoided: alcohol, bad fats, red meat, coffee, and animal products
What You Should Consume
After knowing what food to avoid when you have hemorrhoids, these are the foods that you need to consume to treat your hemorrhoids.
In order to prevent constipation, you need to eat food that is rich in fiber. On the average, the amount of fiber that your body needs is 25.35 grams daily. Majority consume only 8 – 12 grams daily. One good source of fiber that you need to add to your diet regimen is bran or bran cereals.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and can be added to your diet with ease. However, since your stomach is not familiar with it, you may secrete gas for up to a couple of weeks. You can consume digestive enzymes to make your stomach used to the additional produce.
Dark berry juice combined with equal parts of apple juice. The following dark berry juices are helpful in relieving hemorrhoids:
Cherries, blueberries, and blackberries have “anthocyanins” and “proanthocyanidins” which can relieve the pain and swelling of the hemorrhoids. Drinking at least a glass of this juice daily can tone and strengthen the hemorrhoidal veins.
Cantaloupes generates vitamins and minerals and is rich in beta-carotene and possesses anti-clogging features.
The juice extracted in currants are suitable in treating hemorrhoids. It is rich in vitamin C, rutin, and minerals. Likewise, currants also contain a minimal amount of the fatty acid GLA, which is responsible for the production of prostaglandin, an enzyme that controls body pain.
Currants cleanses the blood and the liver as well. Good functioning of the liver is important in the maintenance of a healthy colon, anus, and rectum. It is recommended to drink 1 to 2 glasses of red or black currant daily.
These are some of the natural treatment for hemorrhoids. Taking more vegetables is essential in generating more fiber. By consuming fruits and juices, you will be able to relieve the pain and swelling of your hemorrhoids.
Gary is a free lancer writer of